These animated graphics were designed for a sizzle reel titled 'The Franchise: Follow The Money'
about prisons as a money-making industry whose cash cow is the Boogie Down Bronx.
Follow The Money
Act 1: Prisons are a huge industry & and they make a lot of money
Prisons are a huge business and like all businesses it is designed to grow.
How many prisons exist/have been built since the 1980's?
How/why did the prison system get so big? What does it cost to run it... keeping people in jail.
Act 2: The fuel for this economy is in the South Bronx
Predatory policing and the surveillance state feed the pipeline, mining people of color into an industry generating huge revenue off their incarceration and post incarceration monitoring
The community serves as a supply chain for cheap labor and the private/federal industry that makes money off their incarceration providing prisons with services.
This industry is making crazy money [inside and outside]
Example: food and health services, low wage prison labor, local municipalities.
Will the Bronx well run dry?